no box to put this in


Obfuscation is not a pre-requisite for writing

but it helps if you perhaps wish to create an air of mystery

fortunately the ‘they-saw-us’ brigade coming to the fore has

ultimately created a place to discover all meaning all-ways

since of course writing without clear meaning is akin to

chalking on a blackboard with black chalk…

altogether pompous and pointless you might say?

too right, i might say and then pause…… to write or not to write that

is the question is it not? whether understandable or no…

obviously I cannot please them all but ‘they-saw-us’ brigade

notionally can, with a little help from you dear reader.

Submission for dVerse OLN

Last of the current year. Check out our new anthology.

This from Bjorn.

“Last year we had a target, and that was to finish another Anthology, and this time we wanted to have full control of the process. So the whole dVerse team has been active in selecting, editing, confirming with the authors and proofing. We have learned a lot, and it’s been fun.

We underestimated the work, but finally we are ready. The book is ready for ordering on Amazon both in Europe and in North America. We set the price to 10 USD, but there are prices in Euro and Pound that corresponds to that. I have already placed an order for 10 copies. I missed the promocode Bookgift17 if you buy in USA or Canada, but apparently there are some discounts that may be applicable. If you want to check out the table of content you can find it here.

There is still a chance to get the book before Christmas so for those of you who haven’t decided what to give for Christmas.

We are planning to have an online Release Party that will be broadcasted live next year. I plan to invite you to read your own poem live. Details will come later.”

29 thoughts on “mean(h)ing(e)

  1. To dive into some intense introspection, self-deprecation and a lovely explication regarding the stimulants for creative writing and shit–well it’s just too right, and it made me smile.

  2. Love the title — and it is not usually my favoring style. Meanings do hinge, indeed. Especially when you put a “He” in there.

    Obfuscation indeed. Mystery indeed.
    So much mystery lies in just the ordinary.
    No effort needed by us to place kabbalistic layers, eh? LOL.

    Curious about the “they-saw-us” brigade. Obfuscating?

    Meaning is so personal. Each word, each feeling is tied to a person’s own experience. Arguing about “suicide” for instance, abstractly is pointless. Without sharing are own experiences, we talk past each other with abstractions.

    Put throwing an Rorshach inkblot of the page and feeling like you communicated something is the opposite extreme, eh?

    But when you don’t know what you are trying to communicate but still inspired, sometimes just writing is better than not writing. Then later, maybe later, crystals will form so the inkblot can become a story with meaning. An art.

    So, your poem left me unclear on your stance or feeling. But I felt the potential.

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful response Sabio. My intention here was to walk the tightrope. Not assign a right or wrong answer to the question. There are so many ways to interpret poetry. My friend had never heard of the word obfuscate until yesterday, meaning she could perhaps not understand any of the acrostic initially. However with a little research and some help from the ‘they-saw-us’ brigade she is now more knowledgeable. See I’m still doing it…but I think it’s fun to have a little puzzle here and there (did you figure it out yet?), a little mystery. Rorschach ink blots is a great analogy. How do you know what meaning lies behind the image? or if there was one?

      1. Indeed, there are so many ways to interpret EVERYTHING: novels, comments, movies, gestures …
        Now the question is, does the author accomplish what he/she desires, or is there any desire. That all depends too. Rorschach ink blots have fortunately thrown out of US courts as having any usefulness. Yes, some like making images that are vague and communicate nothing reliably, and some like viewing or reading such things. The problem is, when an author fools themselves in thinking they said or communicated what they intended (if there was any intent) –feedback is the only way to know. Honest feedback. But if it is just like chattering off a morning dream that neither the dreamer understands (as it is a jumbled creation) or the listener even cares about (but just listens so they can tell their dream), then that is good, I guess. Most conversations are indeed like that.

      2. All communication passes through filters. Mine and yours. Even if i think i’m being clear you may not. Such is life. I don’t have a need to understand poetry or art or music. It is just how i am. If i find i want to understand more about something then i will explore it. I may not like a Rothko painting at first but my view might change when i learn about context and process. I still might not like it though. I understand your preference for clarity in poetry but it is not something you will always find here. You then have a choice to visit or not. I don’t eat McDonald’s so I don’t visit their establishments.

  3. I leave the freedom to write to the poet, with his expression and views of the world ~ Whether it makes sense or not, valued or not, depends on the reader ~

    Thanks for being part of the team Paul ~ Happy holidays to you and yours~

  4. It all hinges upon our frame of references, does it not? Some people cannot understand being too obfuscated themselves. This is your usual excellent style Paul. It leads us on, along the path. thank you. Holiday and New Year blessings to you.

  5. Meaning, intent, they are so personal really–we just hope that someone understands or relates–or well, something–After all, poetry depends on it –Happy holidays!

  6. A telling write Paul, you prompt us all to be more thoughtful about what we do…And I too like the belligerence here too!

  7. What is the meaning of all this? The meaning of life…the meaning of poetry. To pick up a pen or not. I’m feeling a little unhinged by your piece, Paul.

    Obfuscation indeed!



  8. Enjoyed this a lot, Paul. I’m truly on the side of no obfuscation just layers of meaning. If all they want to read is the first layer, that’s OK. But I liked your tightrope. Merry Christmas!

  9. Well… one could take this as an affront! Unless, of course, it was directed toward someone else… in which case, this is a wonderfully wicked write. Unless it’s not.

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